
AUA Summit

Generally held in late March or early April, the AUA Summit is a high-profile meeting of AUA member universities, usually consisting

of the AUA Board Meeting, AUA Presidents Forum and other AUA related meetings and events.

  • AUA Board Meeting 2024 Held Online

    On April 17, 2024, Leaders and representatives from the 15 universities comprising the Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) convened online for the annual board meeting. The session focused on reviewing the Alliance's achievements over the past year and deliberating on critical issues for future development.The meeting commenced with a warm welcome from Prof. Ghaleb ALBREIKI, AUA President and Act...

  • AUA Presidents Forum 2023 held at Nazarbayev University

    The Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) Presidents Forum 2023 was held on May 12 at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan, as part of the AUA Summit 2023. Panel sessions at the forum focused on the theme “Shaping Higher Education in an Evolving Asia: Creation, Integration, and Innovation.” The event marked the first in-person reunion of AUA university leaders since the beginning of the CO...

  • AUA Board Meeting 2023 Held in Kazakhstan

    AUA Board Meeting was successfully held on 11 May 2023 in Astana, Kazakhstan. Hosted by Nazarbayev University, it was the first face-to-face summit since 2020 that brought together delegates representing fifteen member universities.Opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Shigeo Katsu, President of Nazarbayev University. He welcomed all the guests and emphasized that it was a great honor for Nazar...

  • AUA Holds 2022 Board Meeting to Discuss New Plans and Initiatives

    The Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) held its annual Board Meeting on April 22 as it marks its fifth anniversary, where AUA members reviewed the alliance’s past activities and set its plans and initiatives for the coming years.Tsinghua President Wang Xiqin attended the Board Meeting for the first time as the new AUA President and delivered opening and closing remarks.He said that AUA was a yo...

  • AUA Presidents Forum 2022 Held to Mark AUA’s 5th Anniversary

    The plenary session of the Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) Presidents Forum 2022 was held on April 22, marking the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the alliance.The theme of this year’s forum was “Embracing Asian Diversity for a Shared Future: Mission of Universities in Fostering a Community of Life for People and Nature.”Huai Jinpeng, China’s Minister of Education, and Ban Ki-mo...

  • AUA Presidents Forum 2022 Holds Fourth Session on Integrated Education and Research Ecosystem

    On 25 March 2022, AUA members convened for the fourth session of the Asian Universities Alliance Presidents Forum (AUAPF) 2022. With the theme of "The Networked University for an Integrated Education and Research Ecosystem", the session brought together Prof. Ghaleb Al Hadrami Albreiki, Acting Vice-Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University; Prof. Subhasis Chaudhuri, Director of the Indi...

  • AUAPF 2022 Session Three Explores the Future of Learning

    Why is interdisciplinarity the emerging and desirable trend in higher education? What strategies are Asia’s leading universities exploring to promote interdisciplinarity? How can the ‘future of learning’ meet the new demands of the rapidly evolving society?These were some of the critical questions examined in the third session of Asian Universities Alliance Presidents Forum (AUAPF) 2022 “Fu...

  • AUA Presidents Forum 2022 Holds Second Session on Innovation and Lifelong Learning

    On 17 March 2022, AUA members convened for the second session of the Asian Universities Alliance Presidents Forum (AUAPF) 2022. This year’s AUAPF, themed “Embracing Asian Diversity for a Shared Future: Mission of Universities in Fostering a Community of Life for People and Nature”, explores the scope of advancement in higher education amidst new and profound challenges.The second session, “...

  • AUA Presidents Forum 2022 Holds First Session on University Internationalization

    On March 15th, the Asian Universities Alliance Presidents Forum 2022 (AUAPF 2022) kicked off the first session themed “University Internationalization During and After COVID-19”. It brought to the forefront critical challenges the pandemic poses to higher education and innovative strategies to move forward. Prof. Kaori Hayashi, Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo; Prof. Yang B...

  • AUA Board Meeting 2021 Held Online

    The Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) held its 2021 Board meeting on April 8 to review its past activities and set its plans and programs for the next year. Tsinghua President Qiu Yong, who also serves as the AUA President, reviewed the alliance’s past achievements and announced major decisions made by the AUA Board during the meeting held online. President Qiu said that he was glad to see th...

  • AUA Presidents Forum 2020 hosted by Nazarbayev University

    The AUA Presidents Forum 2020 was successfully hosted online by AUA Executive Presidency 2020-2021 Nazarbayev University on November 26th. Thirteen Presidents and senior leaders from AUA member universities attended the panel sessions at the event themed "Knowledge is Power: The Resilience of Asian Universities in a VUCA World". AUA Executive President and President of Nazarbayev University Shigeo Katsu led the opening ceremony by delivering the welcoming remarks. He welcomed all panelists and the hundreds of attendees to the virtual forum, and expressed the importance of demonstrating t...

  • AUA Presidents Forum 2019 held at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    The third annual Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) Presidents Forum was successfully held in Hong Kong on 14 April 2019, hosted by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Comprising two sessions of panel discussions, this year’s President Forum was attended by more than 150 guests, including students and faculty from HKUST and the Tsinghua-Berkley Shenzhen Institute. The Presidents Forum was attended by special guest of honor, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mrs. Carrie LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor. In her keynote address, Mrs. Lam outlined...

  • AUA Board Meeting 2019 in Hong Kong

    The third annual Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) Summit was successfully held in Hong Kong on 13-14 April 2019. Comprising of two Working Group Meetings, the AUA Board Meeting, and Presidents Forum, this year’s Summit welcomed 60 delegates from all 15 member universities, the largest delegation ever. Session one of the Board Meeting, chaired by Professor Prasanna Mujumdar, Deputy Director (Finance and Programs) of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, consisted of the AUA 2018-2019 Work Review, delivered by AUA & Tsinghua University President QIU Yong. President Qiu said: “Co...

  • AUA Board Meeting 2018 held in Hainan

    On April 9th, the Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) Board Meeting 2018 was held in Sanya, Hainan Province. Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University and President of AUA , welcomed presidents, professors, and senior staff from all 15 member universities as the Alliance celebrates its founding year.During the Board Meeting, President Qiu Yong presented the AUA Review 2017-2018. The meeting also reviewed and approved the AUA Financial Report 2017-2018, the budget for 2018-2019, and the programs of the Alliance for 2018-2019 in the modules of mobility, research collaboration, and strategy & p...

  • The Inaugural AUA Presidents Forum Held at Tsinghua University

    The first AUA Presidents Forum (AUAPF) was held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China on 29 April 2017. Moderated by TIAN Wei of China Global Television Network, the theme of the AUAPF 2017 was "Shaping a Better Future for Asian Higher Education". The AUA university presidents discussed a myriad of issues relating to higher education systems and development in their respective countries, as well as the Asian region as a whole. Main topics included globalization and its impact on universities; reconciling individual and shared identities to combat mutual challenges; the impact of technology...

  • The AUA Launch Ceremony and the first AUA Summit held at Tsinghua University

    The Asian Universities Alliance Launch Ceremony and the first AUA Summit were held in Beijing on April 29th, 2017. Vice-Premier Liu Yandong attended the summit and delivered the keynote speech. Madam Liu extended her congratulations on the establishment of the AUA and its first summit at Tsinghua University. She pointed out that Asia, with its long history and splendid civilization, is one of the regions of the world with a vibrant economy and the greatest possibilities. The establishment of the AUA is of outstanding significance for deepening regional cooperation. As a proactive way to ...

  • AUA Board Meeting

    The AUA Board Meeting was held on April 28th, 2017. The AUA Board consists of Chief Executives of all member institutions and among its active duties includes the selection of AUA Presdiency and Vice Presidency for a three-year term. During this meeting, President Qiu Yong of Tsinghua University was elected the founding President of the AUA and President Bundhit Eua-arporn of Chulalongkorn University became the AUA Executive President 2017-2018. With unanimous approval from all fifteen members, Tsinghua University holds the AUA Presidency from 2017 to 2019; Chulalongkorn University holds th...
